Lista prijavljenih – GRAN FONDO


Svoje ime po seznamu poiščeš tako, da hkrati stisneš tipko CTRL in tipko F. Vpišeš priimek in klikneš ENTER. Če je tvoje ime na seznamu in je potrjeno z OK, pomeni, da smo prejeli plačilo in je prijava potrjena. Če imena ni na seznamu, pomeni, da prijava ni prišla v sistem. Če ni označbe OK pomeni, da plačila še nismo prejeli. Včasih traja kakšen dan, da prejmemo izpiske.

You can search for your name on the list by clicking CTRL and F. Type your last name and ENTER. If your name is on the lsit and mark with OK means, that we recived your payment and your entry is confirmed. If your name is not on the list means, that registration did not go trough, so please repeat. If there is no OK at your name, we did not recived the payment yet.